Thursday 17 September 2015

TTIP (1)

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The purpose of this posting is to analyze key developments around the TTIP arena and to comment on it from an astrological perspective. It will be interesting to develop an analysis about this campaign from the charts, about the course of the process and its timing, about how its primary stakeholders, the EU and US influence this campaign, about what the possible outcome of the campaign will be, how new issues and new stakeholders have an impact on the TTIP arena, etc, etc.

Start TTIP organisation (TEC)
The joint campaign by the EU and US for a new and comprehensive trade agreement started on 30 April 2007. On this EU-US meeting in Washington the decision was made to set up the Transatlantic economic council (TEC) organisation. The chart for this organisation is:

ttip 2007
Start TTIP negotiations 'event'
On Monday June 17, 2013 at 3:23pm (DT GMT), at the G8 summit in Loch Erne, Ireland the formal start of the TTIP negotiations was announced in a joined EU-US press conference. The text can be found here. The chart for this event is displayed below. I will take this chart as the basis for explaining the whole TTIP 'event' and its unfolding scenarios in the coming years from start to end.
Most prominent in the chart is the placement of Sun conjunct Jupiter in 9th house. This placement is like a dream come true for the TTIP, it means international and powerfull expansion, it means international expansion and leadership through (western) belief systems, science and big industry. Hillery Clinton labeled TTIP as an 'economic NATO' and she may be right. Also Mercury conjunct Venus MC means that the ultimate goal is commercial trade based on values.

The suggestion arises that the place, date and time of the press conference was astrologically pre-selected in order to create this wonderful 'event' chart. The chart seems almost too good to be true, to be based solely on coincidence. However because Ireland chaired the EU in the first half of 2013 and was also hosting the G8 (both agenda's are difficult to influence), it is most likely that the chart emerged spontaneously.

We may already notice 2 important events 1st: Uranus 7th house ingress in June 2014: the massive influx of disruptive and innovating stakeholders with a collective and humanistic orientation; and 2nd: Pluto 4th house ingress on Feb 2019: intense, hidden and secretive opposition, transformative activities through powerplay, violence, survival of the common people opposing the government, nationalism.

The first transit mentioned here (Uranus 7th ingress) is very positive and has a direct reference to what has happened in 2014 through the public consultation by the European commission and what has happened on the other side of the ocean in the US.
Based on the transit of Pluto 4th in 2019 however it seems that these TTIP negotiations may possibly go completely wrong, benefitting only those in power (the haves), probably causing millions to lose their jobs. Natally there is a concern, Pluto 3rd means secret, hidden, manipulative communication, power and control through communication, transformation through communication.

Although hardly imaginable considering the amount of effort that has been made by the EP in order to prevent this, astrology indicates that merging both markets (EU-US) into one trade area may come at a high price for the common people and with great social unrest, opposition. This could be an interesting indication and lead to follow, the question is are we missing something and whát are we missing?

1. Loss of Jobs and a race to the bottom (lowering wages)
The merging of both markets (EU-US) into one trade area creates huge economies of scale for companies, paving the way for huge investment opportunities. Accerating for instance the development of the 'Internet of Things' hugely effecting jobs. Every job that can be replaced by robots will be replaced, amounting to 45% of the workforce in the coming 2 decades, and further.