Thursday 17 September 2015

Grexit or visionairy (iv)

Posted originally on 

Developing a longterm view (ii)

Now we look at the Eurozone entry chart for Greece set on Monday 01 January 2001, midnight (12:00 am). This chart gives us insight how the whole 'event' of Greece being a member of the Eurozone evolves. Does the chart give references to occurrences that happened since 2010 and what does it say about the coming years?
2010. Interesting is that the chart explodes in 2010 and that transits in the chart show clear signs of stress. In 2010 3 main angels in the chart are touched, Saturn crosses the Ascendant(1st house entry), Pluto crosses the IC (4th house entry) and Uranus crosses the Descendant (7th house entry). All the potential difficulties of being member of the Eurozone that are  present in the chart emerge through this combined transit. The Greek Euro event gets a different character now that Saturn demands a complete (economic/financial) restructuring of Greece, now that Pluto completely transforms Greece it's 'interrior' economic and financial heritage, and now that Uranus introduces difficult to control and unpredictable financial stakeholders and contract partners (2011).

2015. A complete breakdown of its control over its public financial system (context) and likewise people lose control over their bank account (Chiron conjunct Moon/6th), while the transformation that is imposed  on Greece its 'interrior' deteriorates Greece's income position (Pluto conjunct Mercury/Sun/4th).

2018. Turning point (Saturn transit IC). Greece may go through a final change in order to achieve that what it takes to be part of the Eurozone, or may acquire indepence by leaving the Eurozone. After this the focus changes from transforming to building, from austerity to investing. When we look at the national chart of Greece (see posting iii, 2018) we see signs of equal difficulty for Greece as a country emerging.

2020. The same situation as in the national chart of Greece is occuring here. We may see a relaxation and restauration of the Greek financial system. Neptune conjunct Moon with Neptune in its own sign. After 10 years it seems the Greek can leave their Euro crisis behind.
