Thursday, 17 September 2015

Grexit or visionary (iii)

this was originally Posted on 

Developing a longterm view

In order to develop a longterm view on events in Greece I use 2 charts. The first chart is the national chart of Greece which is set for 25 March 1821, 12:00 LMT, at the monastery of Aghia Lavra near Kalavryta (The book of World Horoscopes), which marks the defacto beginning of independence of Greece. The proces of formalizing the state was not finished by then, but this is the clear mark of the beginning of the Greek state. 

The second chart I use is the moment of entry of Greece in the Eurozone, the chart is set for 01-01-2001, midnight EET, at Athens. Both charts give indications on past, current en future events, I will follow these events from 2010 to 2022.

1st chart) the national chart of Greece
The people, the masses, democracy, public opinion, family life, community engagement and agriculture in Greece are all cared for and governed by the Greek bureaucracy (Saturn/10th trine Moon/6th) more or less independent from the influence of the country's main ingroup. 

The Greek bureaucracy is an independent immovable entity in the Greek society in itself.
The country's most 'elitist'  ingroup contains the head of state/heads of legislative branche/heads of industrial and financial sector/heads of legal system/religeous leadership. 

This ingroup is basically Marsian motivated, which means self oriented, independent, challenging, daring, courageous, forceful and positive. In the chart this ingroup is represented by the great stellium on the MC (Jupiter/Mercury/Sun/Pluto) conjunct POF and conjunct Chiron. Conjunct POF means that the wealth of the nation flows towards this elite, while on the other hand there is a real sense of patriotism here and sacrificial tendency to put the country first.

This 'Marshian' ingroup on the other hand conflicts with how the resources and public services in the country are organized, it disrupts it. (stellium square Neptune/Uranus/6th). The 6th house stand for all public services, the working classes, unions, socialistic parties, social organizations, civil workers, government employees, national health, health service. Neptune/Uranus/6th means that the organization of all this happens in mix of idealism versus market individualism, subversion versus innovation, basically translating the Saturnean directive of the bureaucracy (which is risk avoiding, structuring, methodological, efficiency focused, etc) in an unconvential, unlogical and anarchistic way. Throw in the disruptive influence of the ingroup on this process and see how difficult this becomes.

Last, the dominant influence in the chart comes from Mars/9th conjunct Venus. Mars rules over the ingroup and the Greek bureaucracy, gives it its directions. Mars means being able to stand up for yourself, testing ones strength. In mundane astrology it also represents the armed forces. In addition we can say that this energy is in conflict (tensions) with the interests of the common people, the masses, democracy, public opinion, etc. (Mars square Moon/6th).

I will analyze and explain the main transits events in both charts (national chart of Greece and the Euro entry chart). In the table below the transits for the first chart (chart of Greece) which occur in the years 2010, 2015, 2018 and 2020 are outlined.
2010  The following astrological events started the challenging of Greek souvereignty by foreign powers: the T-squ aspect of Pluto- Saturn transit on the natal stellium, together with Pluto squ progressed Sun, plus progressed Moon in the 5th house.  What we can see is that the authority of the head of state (Sun) of Greece is being eroded, undermined by foreign powers (Pluto). These foreign powers are in principle altruistic, but maybe also unrealistic. This challenge is acted out through an assault (crisis and transformation) on the public services and resources of Greece (Pluto conjunct Uranus/Neptune/6th).

Secondly the transits introduces scarcity, loneliness and disciplining measures in the interrior of Greece, the common people, families, in agriculture (Saturn 4th ingress). Thirdly these foreign powers are being disrupted by events in Greece (transit Uranus on natal Pluto), which effects into becomming a creditor for Greece, creditors which are on one side helpers (Chiron) and which are on the other side under some illusion (Neptune).
2015  The transit of Uranus on natal Saturn in Jan 2015 shows the disruption of the power of bureaucracy in the country, through the election of Syriza. The Pasok political culture originates in the Greek bureaucracy, a bureaucracy that has organized its own political power dominant over other interest groups within the country's main ingroup. You may conclude based on the Saturn trine Moon aspect, that as long as the bureaucracy cared for the people it could could maintain its political power. It could informally govern Greece basically outside its formal governance structure.

Another observation is that the current transit of Chiron on Mars takes Mars its power away, it disarms Mars, basically leaving te country without defence. Through this transit the main ingroup is disarmed too (which Mars rules), its dominant influence in the chart (political influence) is temporarily shutdown. Therefore the Chiron transit is a window of opportunity for reorganizing the resources and public services of the country. It was to be expected (with hindsight) that only now in 2015 (and only within this timeframe 2014-2016) the EU is able to overrule the Greek establishment (ingroup) and intervene in the country's public organization.
2018   Greece may come into a power contest/power relation with powerful foreign stakeholders. Greece runs the risk of being overpowered through contractual agreements it has made (or will be forced to make) and in which it is now forced into (Pluto 7th ingress). The gloves are off, as if the EU or European partners effectively impose their will on the government with no escape for Greece legally.

In addition, the intervention of the 3rd bail out package is brought into practice as of januari 2018 by force (Saturn conj Neptune/Uranus/6th) overruling the government. This means we can expect further delays in implementation of the current 3rd bailout conditions by the current government in the coming years. Perhaps it's the 3rd bailout package that fails, in which case a 4th bailout package is needed which leads to a scenario painted above, the further dismanteling of souvereignty. It could be that Greece comes under the influence of foreign investors that may use the 'new europeanized economic reality' as leverage for whatever they want to do in Greece.

Version 2 is more radical. Most of the time when Pluto enters the 7th house old relations just get wipped off the plate in order to make room for new ones. If in 2018 the relationship with the Euro partners hasn't improved it wil just stop. This Pluto 7th house ingress probably points to a Grexit, Greece leaving the Eurozone. Saturn conjunct Neptune/Uranus/6th might just point to shrinking public services, services that come to a halt. Whether Greece is in or outside the Euro, it might be confronted with the influx of other non-EU foreign powers which are 'less democratic'.
There are more interesting observations when looking at the local space chart of Greece. First of all the ECB is Greece its best friend, Venus/MC and Mars/MC runs straight over Frankfurt, the ECB is Greece's biggest asset, it shares all its values and assertiveness. 
Second it is the German and Austrian government that fullfil the role of Saturn in Greece its chart, it performs (acts) as the tough disciplining and limiting force in this event. The Saturn local space line runs over Berlin and Vienna. 
Thirdly, Greece is lucky that Poland is not a member of the Eurogroup, this country would certainly have opposed any bailout package. (Pluto local space line runs straight over Warsaw and Slovakia).
Fourth, most interesting is that in the local space chart of Greece there is no link with Brussels, as a concequence the EU as an entity does not emerge directly in the Greek awareness. No wonder that nothing from Brussels gets implemented in Athens, Brussels just isn't there. This may be a strange conclusion which goes agains what the Greeks say, nevertheless astrology indicates that for the Greeks the EU is the Euro (ECB) and Germany, but not Brussels. Berlin could be the right change manager for Greece or the ECB but not the EU/Eurogroup in Brussels. 
Meetings should be moved to Berlin, Prague and Vienna (Saturn line), or even better Franfurt and Milan (Mc/Venus, Mc/Mars line). The decisions and agreements between European partners and the Greek government should to be made there. Then we may see a significant change in the speed of implementation/ adoptation of measures (which are the result of 'good Feng Shui').

Perhaps Germany may bypass the EU in this matter and start an independent bilateral dialog with Greece within a new diplomatic initiative for cooperation.
2020  At the end of tunnel there may be hope, whether Greece is in or outside the Euro. Greece may be able to heal its wounds (Chiron return), incredible wisdom is released in this moment enabling Greece to learn from the experience and starting a new cycle of 50 years. Foreign powers are restricted in exercising their will, or maybe their claims are limited which could relate to writing off foreign debt in 2020 (Saturn conjunct Pluto) but also that the powers of change are 'structured', which means effects of change starting to emerge. Thirdly Mars may be invigorated (Neptune conjunct Mars) enabling the political body (the ingroup) to govern souvereign.