The chart for Syria is set on Jan 1 1944, 12:00am in Damascus, 33N30/036E18 (The Book of World Horoscopes). The chart looks like this:
The start of the civil war is marked by a Saturn decent through the ASC on april 2011, start of the restructuring of the state. In addition the Sun is transitted by Pluto, the attack on the head of state.
Parallel to this event an invasion of foreign powers is marked by an exact Uranus 7th house ingress on april 2014, clearly pointing at the current air campaign of the US and its European and ME partners. The famous square aspect between the two planets Uranus and Pluto is still active until 2016, feeding revolutions in the ME from 2011 on.
Both events (Pluto 4th ingress and Uranus 7th ingress) may point to a turning point in the war, this idea may be supported by a progressed Moon 1st house ingress on feb 2015 until spring 2017, it points to a change of Syria's identity, self image of the nation and the people as a whole, of its national legends.
This is the entry point for starting a new cycle of developments (progressed Moon 1st house ingress), a new Syrian identity is shaped as we speak. No matter who will come out as successor power of Syria, the foundation of its winning strategy is made now.
In case they (NATO and Russia) won't have a new identity concept for the future of Syria as an alternative to insurgency before spring 2017 they shouldn't even bother. In the present debate about Syria the idea of creating an identy for a future Syria is absent, this may be more urgent now than recapturing a few cities. Beginning 2017 when the progressed Moon enters the last degrees of the first house, it may become clear who is going to win the war in Syria, which idea for the future has established itself (that will be an interesting lead to follow). In spring 2017 the focus shifts from the 1st to the 2nd house, from creating to materialising a new Syrian identity.