Thursday 17 September 2015

Grexit or visionary (vi)

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The federalisation of Europe
In this posting I will paint a scenario how the proces of federalisation in Europe is achieved with the help of the Greek crisis. The question is how to orchestrate the Greek crisis so that a federal Europe is the only way out? Simple: create bailout packages and make it not work.

The previous Greek government has changed Europe
Looking at the chart of the previous government (Alexis Tsipras I) installed on Januari 26 2015, 15:00h in Athens (see Grexit or visionary i), we can see that its strong executive powers (Mars/MC) pulled Greece and Europe through, never mind its impulsive behavior (Mars). However as was clear from this chart the Greek government was unable to stand up for its own interests (Mars conjunct Chiron), hence the unprecedented harshness of the 3rd bailout package that was thrusted down the throats of the Greek.

The flipside is that debt reduction is now on the table, backed by the IMF which has made it its prime condition before participating in any new funding. Currently debt reduction is impossible for European partners, first because there is no political backing in the European countries, and second because the potential loss for each individual Eurozone country is already beyond repayment, will be even greater with the coming 3rd bailout package.

By backing Greece Eurozone countries have indebted themselves beyond repayment escalating into a new phase of integration, do that or perish. The financial escape may be to refinance all that debt in Eurozone countries through Eurobonds (transfer national debt to federal level) and introduce some form of European government as Francois Hollande has announced lately.

Perhaps it is also possible to keep Greece in the Eurozone through a debt write off of 40%. Eurobonds will completely change the economic and political landscape in Europe. It makes countries jumping in one fiscal pool which has to be controlled by a supra national body, a European government.

Chiron for Tsipras I
In this sense the predicted Chironic role (posting i) of this previous Greek government changing the face of Europe at its own cost may have already materialized.  Chiron means being a super user of the system and changing the system. 1) It seems that the Greek have overruled with the aid of the IMF the coalition which controls the Eurogroup and blocks debt reduction. 2)  By adopting a 3rd bailout package and pushing for debt reduction it may have escalated Europe into further integration towards an European government.

However this is just one aspect of Chiron's role, sacrificing oneself is another, not being able to defend ones self interest also. 3) Perhaps the plan to keep Greece in the Eurozone has always been a hoax and a debt write off will never be offered. Greece may be thrown out of the Eurozone when it is no longer useful once a European government has been established. 4) The Greek's suffering through austerity packages for years may have been based on false pretences of their European partners.

This predicted Chironic experience of loss and despair for the Greeks (Mars/MC conjunct Chiron), being casted out like Chiron, which is solemnly based on the government chart of Jan 26, 2015 may only seem like fiction and beyond the intentions of European partners but could still be a real possible outcome. Interesting is that the Greek will elect a new government on September 20, which creates a different astrological chart that will change the course of events for the better (for the Greek).

Who is the main driver?
Why were the French so determent to keep Greece in the Eurozone (last July), so that they could create another (3rd) bailout package? Could it be that keeping the Greek in the Eurozone was not the goal, but the means to indebt Eurozone countries further beyond repayment so that federalisation is the only way out? What may the French win through this strategy, if they did have such a strategy?

Europe as an institute (EC/EP/all the DG's, etc. ) may have a real interest here in creating a 3rd Greek bailout package and make it not work. That may increase the need for a creditors bailout program lead by a European government with its own budget based on Eurobonds (the holy grail of a federal Europe).

Maybe that's the reason why this 3rd Greek bailout package (and perhaps also the 1st and the 2nd) is so extremely large and so extremely tough. It seems to be designed on the one hand to maximize the chance that Greece will indeed fail to implement it and on the other to maximize the creditor's  (the individual Eurozone countries) potential loss when the Greek indeed fail. A both brilliant and brutal scheme if it were deliberately planned. 

The Greek government seems to be fully in sync this theory, they play their part in maximizing the chance of failure and through that maximizing the creditor's potential loss.

The chart of Europe
A European government may be around the corner, probably in 2018, when it becomes clear that the 3rd bailout package is not working. When it becomes clear that nothing will ever work creditors will have to start fulfilling their debt to the ECB, IMF, ESM and its predecessor the ESFS. This is the moment when a crisis unfreezes the whole situation and when you may see some readiness for change emerging (to hand in fiscal and political sovereignty).

Each individual Eurozone country may be bailed out and thrown into the new pool of a fiscal and political Eurozone governed by Brussels. All Brussels has to do is to frame this moment of crisis and transformation, organize it, fit it in, time it, trigger it and steer it. It will take a few years to arrange such a complex event so they're on the clock.

Signs of crucial events in 2018 can be seen in the national chart of Greece (posting iii) and in the Greece Eurozone entry chart (posting iv). Equally the chart of Europe shows signs of such an events like the creation of a European governement. According to the book of World Horoscopes Europe as a legal entity came into being on Wednesday Januari 1st, 1958, 12:00am in Brussels. The chart of Europe looks like this:
Transits in 2010.
After 2008, when the financial crisis began to escalate (see transit Pluto 4th ingress) Europe responds in 2010 by taking measures. In the 2010 chart we can see a transit of Saturn going through the ascendant, meaning Europe is going for a deep dive restructuring itself in order to overcome its shortcomings. At the same time the European project, Europe as an organisation and its position in the world is shaken by unpredicatable forces (transit Uranus 7th ingress opp Saturn) disrupting this restructuring (testing it).
Transits in 2018.
In 2018 we see a Saturn transit through the IC (4th house ingress) meaning a 'treasure' is retrieved by going through some kind of ordeal.  You could say that the process of restructuring, which started in 2010, reaches its culmination point in this moment. Among other possibilities it could indeed also mean the starting of a federal European government to overcome some sort of major crisis or ordeal within the European Union. Retrieving a treasure must come with a price, and it is unclear what that price for the European Union as an entity will be. It could be the loss of several countries like the UK leaving the European Union, or perhaps a split within the union between Eurozone and not Eurozone countries.

The national chart of France and Germany.
Is this federalisation event supported by events occuring in the astrological chart of France and Germany? Yes, it is.

When looking at the national chart of France (the book of World Horoscopes) we can see in 2018 a Saturn MC transit, which means getting the results of a long term process, an effort made over a long period of time reaches a culmination point as planned. Strangely enough this may mean that the French see the creation of a federal Europe (federalisation) as a French project, as a French success and as a French victory. A federal EU government may be seen as the ideal future extention of the French state, using Europe as leverage to acquire a dominant position in the world. That's an interesting concept that is introduced by this chart here. Confirmation of this view may be seen in the latest message of Francois Hollande, that any French initiative for further integration is strengthening the French state (France).

The question is, if this is indeed how the French see federalisation, could this be a realistic scenario? A European union politically dominated by the French, just like it is dominated economically by Germany? How French is Brussels?

When we look at the national chart of Germany in 2018 (the book of World Horoscopes) we see a Saturn IC transit which actually may mean the opposite. In Germany the federalisation of Europe is met with great anxiety. The start of an European government would perhaps be felt as the culmination of a long and difficult period of restructuring and loss of old structures that used to be very good, of loss of structure that defined Germany and the German post war success (D-mark, economic and financial discipline, etc). It could be felt as going through some inescapable final ordeal (throwing yourself for the wolves) in order to achieve the ultimate goal (the German treasure) to create a united Europe without war. To shake off the old skin and acquire a dominant position in the world using Europe as leverage for Germany's interests.