Using the astrological method may help us to plot a direction of thinking we could never have imagined. Astrology is unmatched as a technique to model and qualify time and the processes of change. Astrology enables us to think out of the box in a holistic way about the nature of reality.
Astrology - Geert Hofstede
As a point of reference I use Geert Hofstede's cultural dimensions. This means that the horoscope indicates how these cultural dimensions, which are used by Hofstede to characterize different cultures globally, are highlighted within a specific chart of an organization or country.
There is no formal relation between this model and astrology, however as a scholar I know this model well enough to see its symbolical reference to the astrological chart. By mapping this model on the chart I have introduced a new set of keywords to delineate the astrological chart in cultural terms. This is a novel technique and it will be interesting and exiting to explore the disrupting theories and innovating insights it helps creating.

The European identity (i)
From an astrological perspective we can say that the roadmap for the development of an European culture and identity is already there. It is the chart of European Unon itself which is the identity and culture shaping entity. Therfore I am going to delineate that chart to answer the main question. 1) What can be said about the European culture based on the chart of the European Union itself?
In part (i) we focus on the European chart. The European Union came into being in 1958, Jan 1, 12:00 am in Brussels (Book of World horoscopes). Its chart which I have used in many other postings in this blog looks like this:
Prominent in the chart are the angles and the Sun.
The Asc is located on the Virgo-Libra cusp, which indicates that the way Europe asserts itself is in a mixed analytical and diplomatic way. Europe looks at the world from a practical and harmony seeking perspective.
The IC is located on the cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn. This should implicate that the EU sees its constitution as a globally expansive, freedom loving concept and as a conservative, traditional family. The roots of the EU originate from a philosophical and political source.
The DEC is located on the Pisces-Aries cusp, which indicates that the EU relates to others (externally) in a chaotic but selfless way, blending in the world community or in an impulse, assertive and challenging way by putting its self interest first.
The MC is located on the Gemini - Lobster cusp, which indicates that the EU's main contribution to the global community is realized through trade and learning on the one side and 'caring' and safety on the other.
Its Sun in Capricorn/4th house means its identity is primarily enhanced through a material focussed, risk avoiding, authoritive and ambitious approach to issues in its internal domain. Sun in the 4th means 'good feng shui', a good place to be. The EU identity is predominantly the result of an internal process and internally focussed.
This rough analysis is quite amazing. I think Europe as a brand could incorporate these identity aspects in its communication much better. All aspects are a bit bi-polair switching between angular and cadent house characteristics. This makes the EU chart more dynamic. It seems that the EU takes initiative and leads but is able to follow too at the same time.
Positioning the EU culture