The following scenario about the Dollar points to an emerging financial crisis in the US in the coming years, dominating the Presidential elections in 2016, caused by international opposition against the Dollar as international reserve currency. This scenario is a prominent and possible scenario in the Dollar horoscope.
Scenario building with astrology is unparallelled. This scenario may seem like fiction but it is something else. Astrology is a threshold, a liminal space between what seems to be real and that which is beyond. Touching astrology is making a connection, bridging that threshold. Don't be afraid to believe but keep an open and critical mind too, do both. Let this scenario be an inspiration.
A possible scenario for the Dollar may be as follows: A political crisis caused by political opposition effecting events in Washington in Oct 2015 may be triggered by foreign action that is changing trade relations with the US, or creating international disputes which effects the Dollar. This turns into a new financial crisis starting in NY in June 2016, which may spin off the next economic crisis (triple dip). This happens in the year of the Presidential elections. This complex event (grand cross) may become too difficult to control. The aspect pattern means having to learn the hard way, making all the mistakes, but have the stamina to make it through eventually.
A possible subject for international dispute may be the Dollar's role as international reserve currency. Lately Russia and China talked about how to change this. A change which may lead to a different role of the US becoming a node in a multipolar capitalist world instead of being the center of it. Not being able to dominate it, this may become the challenge ahead for the US. Further controversy could lead to an intensified opposition (Pluto 4th) against the Dollar, which may cause a deepening economic crisis. This crisis may be co-orchastrated and exploited by a political opposition in 2016 for political reasons (domestically and/or foreign). This will force a cornered US government to take draconic measures in order to protect the Dollar and the state.
We have seen such a pattern emerge in the Euro crisis. Intense (Pluto 4th) international speculation against the Euro plus a deepening recession and rising unemployment forced the ECB to put its foot down in order to save not only the Euro but the whole EU project as well. The opposition against the Euro came from both financial and political institutions, from within and outside the EU. The placements also suggest that the opposition was a partly covered operation.
Delineation of the transit in the horoscope of the Dollar.
1) A correspondence between the charts of the Euro and Dollar occurs in Jan 2015. The 4th house Pluto ingress in the Euro chart in Jan 2010 clearly marked the beginning of the Euro crisis. In Jan 2015 we will see a 4th house Pluto ingress in the Dollar chart as well. This correspondence may point to a renewed and acute financial crisis in the US. In the Euro chart Pluto leaves the 4th in 2030 and in the Dollar chart in 2034. So this 4th house ingress in both charts may be the mark of a deep transformation process of the main financial blocks in the world taking two decades to complete, before Pluto is going into the 5th house of creativity.
2) In 2015 Pluto transits the Dollar chart in exact opposition to where it was at time of the Great Depression 1925-1930. It's opposing the stellium on the MC instead of conjuncting it (which effect is as strong). In addition transiting Pluto forms a cardinal grand cross with transiting Uranus, natal stellium on the MC and natal Neptune on ACS, all on the angles of the chart. This may represent a complete turnaround of the Dollar and through this of the financial system in the world. The Pluto transit will most likely effect money making institutions, such as banks, the Stock Exchange, financial institutions, money markets and trade.
If we delineate this transit further about cause and event: One of the possibilites is that a political crisis emerges in 2015 because of an intense and obsessed political opposition based on nationalism. A stumbling democracy may lead to a financial crisis, which causes the next economic crisis. The involvement of Uranus (ingress 7th house) in this transit may point to abrupty changing relations, trade relations and international disputes with other nations (other international currency leading agencies). This brings in focus (among some other possibilities) the coming challenge to the dollar as international reserve currency.
A comparable scenario to what happend to the Euro may emerge for the Dollar. One could say that an intense and obsessed political opposition (Pluto) seeks to secretely leverage uncontrollable disputes and disruptive events (Uranus) between the US and other nations. This is a partly covered / public joint strategy of political opposition and both national and international financial networks. We may see that the authority of the US government is directly or indirectly overrun for a political purpose, for instance to discredit it or to show its incompetency. In election time this may be deemed relevant. Such may be the situation a new candidate for presidency walks into. This problematic scenario may hopefully only make it to the movies, as a political thriller. I also have a great suggestion for the main character: she has to be over 60, blond and very brave.
3) Logically speaking, the Dollar chart has to show in some way parallel signs with (should reference) public/world realities (political occurances, events, institutional events, etc.) in Washinton and NY, the centers of financial and political power. Alarming is that the Dollar chart does show this, it confirms that within the timeframe of the Pluto 4th house ingress it is related to the objective public/world realities on these locations. On the ACG map for the Dollar chart the transiting Pluto MC/Uranus ACS crossing touches Washinton in Oct 2015 and second NY in June 2016. This is exceptional.
About the underlying assumptions:
ref 1) Notice that the natal Dollar chart of 1785 could be inaccurate, there is more then one Dollar chart. I chose the 1785 Dollar chart because of the Pluto transit on the MC stellium at the time of the Great Depression. With this test forecast we may find out whether the chart is right or not. For more general information on ingresses in Mundane charts and possible scenarios see also: Skyscript.
ref 2) About the Uranus involvement in this transit pointing to an external cause: The difference between both cases - Euro and Dollar - is that in 2010 the restructering of the financial system in the EU still had to begin. (see: Saturn ingress 1st house in 2010, in both charts). While in 2015 the restructuring of the financial system in the US will be fairly completed. So it's unlikely that an internal system error of the financial system in the US will cause the possible political or financial crisis.
An alternative scenario which is plausible under current circumstances in the ME, and which may either replace the trade dispute scenario or run parallel to it, is that of a combined Pluto 4th/Uranus 7th house sequence of events (in both charts) which points to terrorism at home and warfare abroad and which impacts the infrastructure of the financial industry of both EU and US. Notice that these type of events without impact on the financial system won't show up in the charts of the Euro and Dollar. It's interesting within this context to look at the keywords belonging to both planets: Skyscript.
ref 3) Transits in the Dollar chart can be plotted as moving lines over the surface of the globe (AstroCartoGraphy). These ACG maps show the impact of a transit on that location of the globe, in this case on Washington and on New York in 2015 and 2016. It concerns a crossing of the Pluto/MC - Uranus/ASC transit (2 lines). At the time of the crossing the current square aspect between them is still intact (much has been written about the impact of this aspect). This transit is calculated using the geodetic zodiac, which yields information about how the Dollar relates to the objective public/world realities of a given location.
In this post we looked at the transit of Pluto and Uranus because of their major impact in the astrology charts of these times through their current square aspect. It makes us focus mostly on threats and weaknesses. However if we construct a scenario based on Jupiter and Saturn-transits the outlook on the Dollar chart would get a different feel. In that case new perpectives will emerge about how to create and make use of opportunities and strenghts, about how to explore and endure. As if writing about a protoganist within a dramatic setting. This protagonist will be acting against the background of the above outlined scenario of the outer planets, see SEA OF LOVE continued.